The time COVID first struck was a really bad one for everyone. Uncertaining loomed over everyone’s survival and seemed like something really bad was going to happen all the time. And in a way, it actually did with me.

I was hospitalized with Coronavirus infection during the first wave for 16 days. Probably the most dire 16 days of my entire life till date. After the first week, I left all hopes of going back home as there were casualties around us all the time. It seemed like someone picked me up from my life and placed me in hell. These 16 days drained me of my physical health and my family of our savings. But I was fortunate enough to see the other side of the dark tunnel and returned back home after recovery.

Little did I know that back home another health hazard was waiting for me. Summers were at peak and it was the perfect weather for mosquitoes to breed. Since the parks were not being maintained due to ongoing lockdown, mosquitoes started wreaking havoc in residential areas. And I became infected with dengue as a result of one such mosquito bite. It seemed like I had some evil eye on me that was putting me through all of this. However, with care and support of the family members and amazing health professionals, I recovered from that as well.

I started looking for places that were less prone to insects and bugs like mosquitoes and general diseases and could be resided in to make sure what happened this time does not happen again. I came to know that in hilly areas, due to lower temperatures, it’s hard for mosquitoes to breed. Not just that, even the general fitness level of those living in hills are much better than those in metro cities.

I came across Chester Hills as a good option to have a flat in Solan. However, they were offering possession later than I wanted to have. However, the offerings they had for me were unparalleled and I could not find a better option than Chester Hills. I decided to wait for the construction of my apartment to complete and got it just last month. And I am proud to say that I have no regrets. It was worth the wait.

This is my Chester Hills story. What’s yours?